Monday, December 14, 2009

Blue Butterfly Pea


The 'Blue butterfly pea' (Clitoria ternateais) is also known as 'Asian pigeonwings'. Native to portions of Africa and Asia this plant has been introduced in some tropical areas of the US including Florida, Texas and California.

Not only does it have a beautiful, if somewhat suggestive, flower but this perennial vine is also a particularly delicious host for Longtailed skippers. At intervals along the leaves you will see the telltale signs of caterpillars: a tiny damaged bit of leaf DSCN0125that has been carefully folded over to make a nice larval hidey hole. This photo features caterpillar made leaf damage and the shells of three tiny skipper butterfly eggs

This delightful vine is currently climbing a coral bean tree in our Historic Tree Grove and also can be seen bedecking a trellis in the garden behind BioWorks Butterfly Garden.

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