Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pentas lanceolata

One staple of the MOSI Outside butterfly gardens, both inside and out, is Pentas lanceolata, known commonly as "Starflower" or simply "Penta". This nectar plant is easily one of the biggest butterfly draws we grow, and has a place in nearly any Florida butterfly garden.

Pentas are native to Africa, but are heavily cultivated in the U.S. as annuals and perennials, depending on location. Here in Central Florida, most penta varieties can be grown as perennials, although some tend to fizzle out after a few years of dealing with our hot summers and poor sandy soil. There are a wide variety of cultivars, and all are butterfly magnets. They tolerate full sun to dappled shade, and will flower best if regularly dead-headed. Pentas require regular water, so keep an eye on them during the drier months and provide irrigation as needed.

Some of our favorite Pentas cultivars include the 'Graffiti' series and the 'Northern Lights' series. 'Butterfly Red' and 'Butterfly Pink' are also excellent. The tall red variety of Pentas does especially well as a perennial in part shade, and draws Tiger Swallowtails in season.

What's In a Name? Pentas comes from the Greek word for ‘five’, and pentas usually bear five petals on each flower. Lanceolata refers to the lance-shaped leaves.

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