Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Volunteer Roll Call

New Volunteers: We have some new volunteers from USF and they are great! Welcome to Ben, Danielle, Elisa, Jaeson, Jonelle, Justina and Shenique from the Bulls Serve program. We are happy to have you and welcome your enthusiasm for the gardens.
Returning Volunteers: A big welcome back for the summer to returning volunteer Jelena! Any time Jelena has a break in her studies she can be found back here working with the caterpillars and gardens!
All Through the Year Volunteers: Lastly, a big thank you for continuing volunteers Patti Telander Wilson and Carol Loibl! Congratulations are also due for Patti on the birth of her first grandchild, Nathan Anthony. In about 16 years we hope to see him here in the gardens with grandma.
Retiring Volunteers: This spring, Ms. Naomi May retired from our butterfly garden volunteer program, at least for the duration of the summer. Naomi had put in over 2,000 hours of volunteer service during her years at MOSI and work in the gardens was tireless and dedicated. This spring we also bid farewell to Melanie and Claire. Thank you ladies for your long hours of service and we wish you well in all of your future projects! The butterfly garden is better because each of you helped to make it that way.
Thanks to all of our volunteers for making the garden look great!

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