Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wildfire in the Back Woods

DSCN7514DSCN7518Got a call this afternoon around 2pm from my boss telling me there was a wildfire in the Back Woods. Local fire departments were already on scene and working to cut fence and get hose and people into the fire by the time I received the call. Dashing out to the woods as fast as the gator would carry me; I was able to capture a few photos of some active fire at the end of the event and before the local FD asked me to leave. The big palmetto is on the north side of the big sink hole.The composite shot is from the center of the big sink hole. The Division of Forestry was on hand at the end of the day to help with the mop up and put a plow line in around the fire to prevent it from spreading from the containment area from any flame-ups tonight or tomorrow. Needless to say we have some fairly significant damage from the plow lines. Volunteers will be needed to do some plow line restoration. Interested? Email me!fromcenter2_stitch

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