Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Plant some awesome on Earth Day!

Plant some awesome this Earth Day: April 22nd, 23rd and 24th

Thanks to a grant from Fiskars Project Orange Thumb MOSI with be planting nine thematic gardens over three days in the Richard T Bowers Historic Tree Grove. Plants from the Jurassic era, a medicinal garden, a created Flatwoods landscape and more! From 9:30am to 2pm on April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th you can help plant some amazing gardens at MOSI. Email or call Kristen Gilpin at MOSI to register as a volunteer for any or all of the planting days! Kristen Gilpin: / (813)987-6357

Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested! We need volunteers to make these gardens happen! Spread the word!

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