Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing in the Woods

Volunteers have been pivotal in helping us achieve some of the clean up and restoration goals in the Back Woods. We  have opportunities for interested and dedicated individuals to serve on a reoccurring basis and help us with day to day maintenance and restoration. Want to come play in the woods  a day or a few days a month this summer? We currently have up to 10 openings for volunteers to be Forest Stewards for the Back Woods.


Volunteer Forest Steward opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities are open to individuals who can commit to a minimum of once a month service on a reoccurring basis. One time group projects can be coordinated.

Preservation Steward
Position description: Preservation stewards may be involved in trail construction and maintenance, boardwalk construction and maintenance, native plantings, invasive plant removal, habitat protection, and basic forest upkeep.
Requirements: Must be at least 18 years of age and capable of working out-of-doors year round in extremes of temperature. Position requires a moderate to high level of physical capability. Previous experience with landscape related hand tools and power tools helpful but not required. Closed toe shoes and long pants are required year round.
Shifts: Monday through Friday 8am to noon as available

Monitoring Steward

Position description: Monitoring Stewards may be involved in collecting data on the plants and animals present in the Back Woods, establishing photo reference points to track habitat changes, quantitative measure of plant populations, updating database records, locating and recording positions of invasive species, and assisting in basic forest upkeep.

Requirements: Must be at least 18 years of age and capable of working out-of-doors year round in extremes of temperature. Position requires a moderate to high level of physical capability. Knowledge of Central Florida plant/animal species and habitat types helpful but not necessary. Closed toe shoes and long pants are required year round.

Shifts: Monday through Friday 8am to noon as available

Outreach Steward (Coming Soon)

Position description: Outreach Stewards may be involved in docent activities in the Back Woods including; conducting nature walks and developing/delivering natural resource related talks for MOSI guests, school groups and the general public.

Requirements: Must be at least 18 years of age and capable of working out-of-doors year round in extremes of temperature. Position requires a moderate to high level of physical capability. Working knowledge of Central Florida native flora, fauna, and habitats preferred. Closed toe shoes and long pants are required year round.

Shifts: Variable daytime shifts and weekends may be available as the program develops.

Please contact Carolyn at for more information on volunteer positions.

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