Monday, August 24, 2009

USF Community Plunge


Once again students from USF volunteered their time to help the Back Woods and MOSI as part of the their commitment to Tampa Bay in USF’s annual Community Plunge!

DSCN9250_stitchWith thunderstorms looming on the horizon, the students dove into clearing vegetation from the entry to future wetland boardwalk and observation platform. Armed with loppers, hand saws, sling blades, and machetes the students made short work of years of growth of invasive species and weedy brush.

DSCN9260  Their efforts removed nearly 15 yards of brush and invasives from the woods! And, thanks to the services of A&D Recycling and Mothers Organics composting facility all of the material cleared will be composted and re-used rather than land filled or burned.

Soaked to the gills and filthy from top to bottom at the end of the morning, these Bulls proved themselves real troopers! MOSI and the Back Woods are truly grateful for all the volunteer’s efforts and hope to work with many of them in the future.

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