Friday, October 16, 2009

Milkweeds in flower

 DSCN0090 Scarlet Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) is a common sight in Florida butterfly gardens even though it isn’t a Florida native plant. The truth is that Scarlet Milkweed is readily abundant for purchase and is also a snap to grow. Monarchs and Queen butterflies will both host on it and the plant is pretty attractive when actually in bloom. Although it is from South American, Scarlet Milkweed is a lot more simple to find for purchase than any of the Florida native milkweeds. Although susceptible to aphids and sooty mold, most Scarlet Milkweeds bounce back with little damage to the plant. When in flower this milkweed produces a beautiful scarlet and orange flower that is truly eye-catching.


Another milkweed in the MOSI gardens is known as Giant Milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) syn (Asclepias procera) and the name is certainly apt as the plants can grow two to five meters in height. This plant is native to Africa, the Arabian peninsula and southeast Asia. Monarchs and Queens don’t readily lay eggs on this plant but the caterpillars can be transferred in the case that your other milkweed supplies run out. The flowers of this giant like a great deal like small purple starfish.

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