Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Scorpion’s Tail

Scorpion’s Tail (Heliotropium Angiospermum) is also known as Butterfly Heliotrope. A diminutive Florida native, Scorpion’s Tail is a great nectar plant for DSCN0295smaller butterfly species like tiny Blue butterflies.

This plant does well in everything from sandy, rocky soil to soil that is compost rich. With a preference for sun to partial shade, this plant will still bloom in a mostly shaded garden. In the MOSI gardens a number of Scorpion’s Tails can be found growing behind the butterfly garden structure in the shade of a winged elm. There are dozens of Scorpion’s Tails beneath the tree that have all spread from seeds from an original six plants planted a few years ago. Scorpion’s Tail will re-seed readily and is a fairly drought tolerant, making it a great choice for Florida native butterfly gardens in the Tampa area.

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