Monday, January 11, 2010

Great Starts to a New Year

DSCN0381 New boardwalk complete January 2010

Yay, the boardwalk is complete! Kudos to Golf Coast Construction on their  attractive new addition to our Back Woods. A little more tidying up around the entry and exit and the boardwalk is really going shine as the first experience as you enter the Back Woods. Hard to believe it is even the same location when we look back to what was there a little over a year ago.

wetland overlook 07_03_2008 The boardwalk when we started in 2008

DSCN0389 DSCN0363

Golf Coast also spruced up our stormwater staging ponds by regrading and resodding them. Normally this would have been an easy dry winter task but our El Nino wet winter pattern left the ponds with plenty of water. Still the contractors made easy work of it and the stormwater system will function more as it was intended.

A crunchy icy slog through a mostly dry Buttonbush Pond yielded these pictures of the effects of the recent frosty weather. Just beautiful! The one good thing about a bout of thoroughly cold weather is that seems to make the forest a little healthier the following year. Many diseases and pest insects seem to be brought into check, deciduous trees appear to have more vigor, and even the some of the subtropicals seem renewed later in the year. And of course it does a number on the air potato, hoorah. Just about time for Tater round-up, stay tuned!!

florida eskimo Stay warm everyone, it will be the sub tropics again sometime soon…I promise!

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