Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Elizabeth's Secret Garden" Visits Escuela Las Nubes in Costa Rica

A vibrant young woman and friend of MOSI named Elizabeth Mann just had an amazing trip to Costa Rica where she was

able to explore rainforests and study native butterflies. During her visit to Costa Rica, Elizabeth proudly wore her MOSI BioWorks Butterfly Garden shirt and got some great photos!

In Costa Rica Elizabeth Mann had the pleasure of visiting Escuela Las Nubes. She taught the children about butterflies of Costa Rica. The children there were eager to learn about the butterflies and their life cycles. Elizabeth used her own photo's of the life cycle of each butterfly. The school has its own butterfly pavilion which the children help to maintain. The class Elizabeth taught helped the children learn more about the butterflies they help to raise.

MOSI ElizabethElizabeth donated her manuscript, "Elizabeth's Secret Garden" A Study of Butterflies in North America  to Escuela Las Nubes. Her manuscript on butterflies will be the first butterfly book in the school library. It includes the life cycle of butterflies, how to raise them, and tours of gardens and butterfly conservatories Elizabeth has gone to. The MOSI BioWorks Butterfly Garden is included in her book. Children at Escuela Las Nubes will enjoy reading her manuscript for generations to come.

Elizabeth is blogging her tour of Costa Rica of her blog Elizabeth’s Secret Garden.  She also has posted a Costa Rica Identification Photo Contest on post January 28th. The winner who correctly identifies a photo will receive credit and get their name and a link to their web-site or blog posted below the picture. Elizabeth wishes that you please share her story with your friends and have fun!

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