Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The weather outside is frightful…

Several nights of persistent freezing temperature have taken their toll on parts of the garden. The milkweed, firebush, potato vine and mimosa all look pretty burned.  Other plants like the roses, kalanchoe and trilobed pipevine seem to be thriving in this dryer weather. The African Irises are starting to put on a show of white flowers now that cooler weather has arrived.

Here is a look at this morning in the gardens. For the good or the bad, it is certainly winter. How is your garden doing? Send me a picture at and share your view of winter.


  1. My apologies for the smudge in all of the photos today. I didn't notice the fingerprint on the camera lens until I was uploading. I'm not going back out in the 35 degree weather to retake the photos.

  2. Can't blame ya there! I haven't been out in 2 days. Finally got out to check my plants. Pentas burned but everything else is A OK. Wanting to start a butterfly garden this year. Glad I ran across your blog. I'M in SRQ.


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