Monday, March 29, 2010

Americorps in Action


We were very pleased to have had the opportunity to work with an absolutely wonderful team (Delta 3) of young adults in service with Americorps this past Saturday. One of the mottos for Americorps is “Service through Teamwork” and these bright and enthusiastic young men and women lived up to that motto by making quick and easy work of yards and yards of vines and cut brush in an area we have been clearing in the flatwoods.

Reminiscent of the depression era Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women age 18–24. The young men and women we worked with were assigned from the Southern campus in Vicksburg, Mississippi having originally come from all parts of the U.S..

We look forward to working with AmeriCorps service members again in the future. We are working to see if we could have a team assigned to stay with us and work in the Back Woods. Think of the progress that could be made with that kind of teamwork and initiative available to us, wow.

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