Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blue Flag Iris

Blue flag (Iris virginica) is one of the seven iris species native to Florida and with its showy blue-purple blooms this flower is fairly easy to recognize. Spreading from underground rhizomes this medium sized plant can grow to about 4 feet in height. Blue flag has flat bladed leaves that look a lot like tall blades of grass.

This distinctive flower can be found in wetlands in Eastern North America and generally blooms in early Spring. At MOSI these iris are blooming inside the BioWorks butterfly garden and in the small pond near the main plaza and front doors of MOSI.


  1. I planted some of these last year in a wet area, and they've done very well. I'm anxiously waiting for them to pretty.

  2. They are pretty magical when they start blooming in groups. We have two large sweeps of them in the BioWorks pond and they are a real show-stopper when they get going.

    Good luck with yours! Where are you located?

  3. I can't wait to see them. I'm in Lakeland.


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