Friday, March 12, 2010

Florida Snapping Turtle

Meet  Chelydra serpentina osceola, otherwise known as the Florida snapping turtle!

All those pointy little fleshy projections (tubercles) on the back of its head help distinguish this snapper as the sub species osceola (Florida snapping turtle) from the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina.

Florida snapping turtles are aquatic turtles but they do not bask like cooters or sliders. They are often found lurking in the depths of the water or nestled in the mud where they can quickly strike out at unsuspecting prey, eating almost anything that passes by as well as munching on carrion and some plant life.

Florida snapping turtles on land are not happy critters; they will readily strike out at you if you  try to pick them up. Take great caution if you attempt to assist in a road crossing as their long flexible necks allow their mouth to reach well up the sides and back of the shell. Only attempt to pick up them if you absolutely must, and grab them from the very rear of the shell, remembering that the sharp claws on their hind feet still pose a hazard

You're likely to see Florida snapping turtles in the early spring, when warm weather brings them from their burrows in search of mates and nesting spots. Breeding typically starts in April followed by egg laying in May, and hatch out in late summer or the following spring.

Here at MOSI Outside, our snappers love to hang out in the stormwater catchments near the East and West entrances to the nature trail…creep up slowly and peer into the depths and you just might see one!!

What's in a Name? Chelydra comes from the from the Greek chelys for turtle and hydros for water serpent. The species name serpentina comes from Latin, meaning snake-like. This probably refers to that snake-like neck that can reach the back and sides of the shell. The subspecies name is in honor of 19th century Florida Seminole leader Osceola.

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