Friday, March 19, 2010

Walter’s Viburnum

Walter’s Viburnum (Viburnum obovatum), also known as small-leafed viburnum is a Florida native that can be grown as a large shrub or a small tree. Right now this is one of the most remarked upon plants in the MOSI gardens as it is putting on a show of white flowers that makes each plant look like the branches are laden with snow!

Dwarf varieties of viburnum species are also available and make a great dense hedge to edge yards or fences. The taller Walter’s Viburnum can also make and excellent dense screen for the edge of a property line or as a privacy hedge. Walter’s Viburnum is well suiting to heavy pruning and can be easily trimmed into a formal hedge or topiary.

This species is generally evergreen in the DSCN0051Tampa Bay area and produces a fruit in the fall months that can be an important part of the winter diet of native birds. The dense and twiggy limbs provide a great shelter for nesting birds and the flowers are appealing to small Spring butterflies. Right now there are cardinals building a nest in one large shrub, about a half dozen doves hanging out under another and it looks the the Brown Thrashers (Toxostoma rufum) are using these shrubs for shelter between dirt baths.

All in all, a cool Florida native with a lot of checks in the plus column.

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