Monday, August 3, 2015

Biodiversity at MOSI Outside

Guests at MOSI are frequently surprised to discover that the museum sits on a large tract of land that includes a nature preserve with walking trails, along with an extensive outdoor butterfly garden and Historic Tree Grove. In fact, nearly 40 acres of MOSI property are open to guests who wish to enjoy Florida's flora and fauna, and this natural oasis is made even more unique by the fact that it's surrounded by some of the most developed land in the Tampa area.

MOSI Outside staff (all two of us!) work diligently to maximize the wildlife habitat of MOSI Outside, and we're constantly amazed by the sheer number and variety of plants and animals that can be found here. We document these organisms in a variety of ways, including here on the blog and by submitting sightings to eBird or Project Noah. We also maintain a spreadsheet, which you can view here, to help us keep count of the incredible biodiversity here. A glance at this document reveals some pretty amazing numbers indeed: As of July 2015, we have recorded on site:

  • 102 species of butterflies and moths
  • 65 species of birds
  • 30 species of reptiles
  • 75 species of trees and shrubs
  • 125 species of native wildflowers and grasses

See all that green space? That's all part of MOSI Outside, and much of it is open to guests who want to explore Florida's wilder side.
Biodiversity is a reflection of the environment around it. A healthy ecosystem with a variety of ecosystems will naturally support a higher number of species. The MOSI Outside property contains an array of ecosystems, including a sandhill that supports the threatened Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), and a wetlands area that is part of the vital stormwater management system. Our cultivated gardens are planned and maintained to serve as Florida-Friendly wildlife habitat, and the site includes several large old Grand Oaks, including one dated by an arborist to about 150 years old.

We're proud of the biodiversity of MOSI Outside, and hope that all guests who visit the museum will take some time to enjoy the plants, animals, and natural spaces during their visit.

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