Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stopping for a sip

This lovely Spicebush Swallowtail stopped by the gardens to visit the apparently tasty lantana flowers.

While working outside in the gardens this week I have also seen literally hundreds of Gulf Fritillary butterflies, a handful of Zebra Longwings, dozens of Cloudless Sulphurs and Orange Barred Sulphurs and lots of skipper that I have not had time to identify. A few other species I have noted in the past few days: Sleepy Orange, Phaon Crescent, Long Tailed Skipper, Ceranus Blue, Pipevine Swallowtail, Tiger Swallowtail and White Peacocks.

Inside the Flight Encounter the Zebra Longwings, Monarchs, Long Tailed Skipper, and Polydamas Swallowtails are laying eggs like it is going out of style. Also, the Cloudless Sulphurs, Orange Barred Sulphurs, and Sleepy Orange butterflies are laying eggs all over the cassia plants.

What butterflies are you seeing this fall?


  1. Hi Kristin- do you also live in florida? I am lep lover and learner and LOVE your blog. I have one as well, although not as good as yours here...
    And started a Lep loving FB fan page here...

  2. I'm located in Tampa the the BioWorks Butterfly Garden @ MOSI. I like your blog and will join the FB page. Thanks for reading!


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