Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eastern Redbud

Delicate pinkish-purple blossoms quivering against smooth bark are one of the first harbingers of an early Spring in our gardens. Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) are deciduous trees in the Legume Family (Fabaceae) that put forth a showy bloom of bright flowers before they even begin to put on leaves. One of the interesting points of this species is that flowers appear directly on the branches and sometimes even on large trunks.

Several of the trees lining our main drive are already blooming a happy riot of color amidst the ongoing parking lot construction. These blooms are so bright that I keep noticing staff, guests and even construction workers stopping to take a closer look.

Although Tampa is a bit far south for the normal range of Eastern Redbud, this little stand of trees has done quite well. They can be expected to top out around 25 to 35 feet with a spreading crown. Redbuds do best in moist soil and can be found from Florida north to southern Ontario and west into Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.

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