Friday, February 18, 2011

Rue Flowers

The Common Rue (Ruta graveolens) planted in the butterfly garden last year is beginning to flower for the first time, giving us a close look at the fascinating blooms.

Rue is native to Southeastern Europe, and is in fact the national flower of Lithuania. As an emblem of purity and maidenhood, rue flowers are carried in bridal bouquets or worn as a wreath on the bride's head. In some cases, the wreath is burned after the ceremony, symbolizing the end of girlhood.

In its native region, rue is said to live for generations. Lithuanians emigrating to new homes would carry rue seed with them to plant in their new homes. Here in Florida, rue (like most herbs) seems to do best in the cooler weather of winter, but can survive the summer if given shade during the hottest part of the day and plenty of water.

Rue is the host plant for both Giant Swallowtails and Eastern Black Swallowtails, so it is a valuable asset in any butterfly garden. For more information on rue and the caterpillars that love it, check out this post.

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