Monday, March 21, 2011

Butterflies and Moths of Hillsborough County

Fulvous Hairstreak I was recently asked how many species of butterflies can a person possibly see in the Tampa area. I didn’t know the answer, but I did know where to look. The Butterflies and Moths of North America is an invaluable resource for butterfly and moth data.

As of the day this is written, BAMONA has verified 145 species of butterflies and moths in Hillsborough County Florida. You can follow this link to check out the list. To see a different county, just select yours from the dropdown box and then click on apply.

In Hillsborough County, Florida here are the numbers broken down by family:


  • Hesperiidae Skippers : 49 species verified

  • Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails: 8 species verified

  • Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs: 14 species verified

  • Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies: 14 species verified

  • Riodinidae Metalmarks: 1 species verified

  • Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies: 29 species verified


You can help BAMONA with their database. If you sight and photograph a butterfly  or moth not previously recorded in your county, submit that photo to them and they will log the sighting. Create a free account at BAMONA and then click on the share link to report sightings and upload photos.

In 2009 I sighted a Fulvous Hairstreak (Electrostrymon angelia) in the gardens and snapped some quick photos of the butterfly nectaring on anise hyssop. When I checked the BaMoNA website I discovered that this butterfly had not been previously reported in Hillsborough County. I submitted the sighting for verification and now the Fulvous Hairstreak is listed for Hillsborough County.

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