Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Moon Garden Replanted

In May of 2009 we installed a Moon Garden beneath the branches of our Moon Sycamore in the Richard T. Bowers Historic Tree Grove at MOSI.

For this garden we are currently using: African Iris (Dietes vegeta) for its lovely white iris blooms. Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata) for its beautiful blue blooms. White Angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia) for its white flowers that are reminiscent of tiny snapdragons. Dusty Miller (Senecio cineraria) for its dusty silver white leaves. Helichrysium (Helichrysium sp) of several species of grey foliage helichrysiums add some stark grey-white foliage to the garden. Blue Daze (Evolvulus glomerata) adds a low growing border with pale blue flowers. Leafy caladium in several varieties provide some large white and green leaves to the garden and Dwarf white Mexican petunias (Ruellia brittoniana) that will stay low to the ground and not spread out of control.

The Moon Garden is right outside the side doors of the MOSI Grand lobby.

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