Monday, June 13, 2011


Thryallis (Galphimia gracilis) is a semi-tropical shrub native to eastern Mexico. It’s beloved by Florida gardeners for the brilliant yellow blooms it produces from late spring through the first frost of winter. It’s also very easy to grow – all it asks for is lots of sunshine and well-drained soil. It can grow from 4–6 feet tall, although a hard freeze can kill it back to the ground, where it will re-grow from the roots when warm weather returns.

There are several thryallis shrubs in the gardens here at MOSI. One is located in the Tree Grove near the Clara Barton redbud. This thryallis receives full sun all day long, and is full and covered in flowers from head to foot. Another thryallis is planted in part shade near the small pond, and is a little “leggier” and slower to flower, as is the habit with thryallis. Both tend to take a little frost damage in the winter, but return quickly every spring to fill their part of the garden with color.


  1. This is timely! I just repotted a handful of thyrallis sprigs given to me by another gardener last month. Was just wondering where to put them this week when I saw this. I'm planning on planting them with some tithonia & blanket flower for a grouping of yellows & deep orange color. Thanks!

  2. I'm working on a butterfly garden for my daughter's school. I'll have to keep an eye out for this plant!!


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