Saturday, July 30, 2011

Christmas in July!

206182_1891669892300_1258103396_31669024_6872175_nA few weeks ago, American Meadows (one of our favorite seed catalog companies) posted a message on Facebook offering to donate end-of-season stock to deserving non-profit organizations. We contacted them and were almost immediately rewarded with an amazing shipment of dozens of great plants perfect for growing in the gardens at BioWorks!

Though they may not look very exciting in their plastic bags, these bulbs and bare-root plants promise an amazing riot of color and bloom in the gardens in the months and even years to come. Included in our boxes were:

We’ve been planting like mad, and many of these plants are already beginning to sprout and put on new growth. Look for pictures of these blooms in forthcoming posts as they begin to fill the gardens at BioWorks with vivid colors. Thank you so much, American Meadows!

IMG_20110715_110308 Planting dahlias in the Tree Grove

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