Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Great Library E-Books for Wildlife Lovers

Here in Hillsborough County, Florida, we're fortunate to have a terrific library system. MOSI Outside's staff are insatiable readers, and the world of Kindle e-readers and e-books have opened up a whole new world for us in recent years. One of our favorite things is the ability to check out library e-books from home, without ever leaving the couch or having to change out of our pajama pants. It's helpful at work, too, where we can check out reference e-books and read them right in our browser to get information we need to take care of our butterflies and plants.

Here are some of our recommendations for e-books on butterflies, gardening, and nature available from the Hillsborough County Public Library via Overdrive. If you live in Hillsborough County, you just need a valid library card to check out any of these and thousands more, any time day or night! Need help using Overdrive? Click here, or visit your local branch for help getting started. (Don't live in Hillsborough County? Check with your own local library to find out if e-lending is available in your area.)

Click here to see the entire list on the library's website.




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