Friday, January 29, 2016

New at MOSI: Dinosaurs in Motion

Who doesn't love dinosaurs? But the problem with dinosaurs at most museums is all those velvet ropes and "Don't Touch" signs - it's so much more fun when you actually get to play with the dinosaurs! That's what makes MOSI's new Dinosaurs in Motion exhibit such fun: you get to control the giant metal dinosaurs, while exploring science, art, and industry along the way.

Each of the life-size dinosaurs in the exhibit is the creation of John Payne, who lovingly built them using recycled and salvaged materials. Signs throughout the exhibit explain the techniques Payne used to create them and provide info about the species represented.

Payne soon realized that he could make the dinosaurs even more fun and interactive by adding elements to allow the dinosaurs to be controlled by people. Some of the dinosaurs move by pulleys or wheels, while others are brought to life by video game controllers, like these two being puppeteered by MOSI Outside Coordinator Kristen:

Scattered throughout the exhibit you'll also find stations to allow you to create your own dinosaur masterpieces, bringing out your inner artist. This exhibit truly brings to life the ideas of S.T.E.A.M. education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) that MOSI works to share with the public each day.

Dinosaurs in Motion is included in MOSI admission and is free for MOSI members. This exhibit opens January 30, 2016 and runs through May 8, so be sure to come check it out soon! Get more information by clicking here.

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