Monday, November 23, 2009

Fall Harvest of Plenty

…still left in bloom and showing off seed in the Back Woods


Beautiful patches of snowy hammock snakeroot (Ageratina jucunda) are popping up through out the Back Woods right now. The hammock snakeroot is sweetly fragrant and reminiscent of the fragrance dog fennel flowers (genus Ageratina was once Eupatorium the genus of dog fennel.)

Dainty sprays of pink not quite purple climbing aster (Symphiotrichum carolinianum) are sprawling out of the wetlands here and there. There is a lovely patch of of this growing over one of the waterfalls in the Bioworks Butterfly enclosure if you are not quite up to slogging through Back Woods wetlands.

Pink and fragrant climbing hempvine (Mikania scandens) are finishing up their show on the edges of all places moist.

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