Monday, November 23, 2009

Fulvous Hairstreak

Hairstreak 2Fulvous Hairstreak (Electrostrymon angelia) is a resident of South Florida, the Keys and the West Indies that can sometimes be sighted further up to Florida coast. This butterfly hosts on members of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) and also the invasive Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius).

This tiny butterfly has a wingspan of around 3/4 - 1 1/8 inches and likes to nectar on the flowers of Spanish Needles (Bidens alba), Brazilian pepper, and apparently also favors anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). The butterfly was so transfixed with these flowers that I was able to get very close and snap some great close-up photos. Photographed 10/28/09


  1. Kristen,
    Thank you for the tour of the butterfly garden yesterday. Juliette and I enjoyed learning about the historic trees and butterflies. Juliette wanted me to tell you that your blog is "impressive".


  2. Thanks Lyman,

    I really enjoyed the visit with you and Juliette. Please tell her that I think she is "awesome".

    Please do visit the gardens again! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day at MOSI!



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