Thursday, May 5, 2011

And… we’re back!

In the last few weeks we have been making a great number of changes in the gardens. Large groups of volunteers from Verizon have toiled to help us in our endeavor to clear large portions of the garden, eradicate invasive species like the Mexican petunia and replant these refreshed beds with flowers butterflies will love.

  • We have added a bird garden filled with millet and sunflowers and we will be adding berry producing plants later in the year.
  • A large swath of the garden just behind the BioWorks screen enclosure has been turned into a sprawling patch of salvia in gorgeous purples, pinks and reds.
  • The George Washington Carver edible garden has been entirely replanted with vegetable plants in a project supported by the Elements and Science To Go stores at MOSI.
  • More native plants have been added and beds of milkweed have been packed full with young plants.
  • The small waterfall pond by the front doors of MOSI has been packed with annual flowers.
  • The front walkway to the garden was refreshed with colorful summer annuals and additional nectar plants for our butterflies.
  • Lastly, the flight encounter area has been packed with summer hearty nectar and host plants for the butterflies inside the exhibit.

Now that all of this has been done, we can return to a more regular schedule of garden blog postings.

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