Monday, May 9, 2011

White Veined Dutchman’s Pipevine

dscn0189 A new addition to the gardens, White Veined Dutchman’s Pipevine  (Aristolochia fimbriata) is native to Argentina and Brazil. This particular species can host Polydamas Swallowtails and also the beautiful iridescent Pipevine Swallowtail.

As opposed to other pipevines, this one will not take over an entire trellis and has a low, mounding habit growing to lengths of about 3 feet which also makes it a good choice for hanging baskets. Plants may die back in the winter but will return from the root the next growing season and may also reseed.

dscn0188The flowers of this pipevine are pale yellow and purple and have a fringed edge which leads to the other common name for this species, Fringed Pipevine.

This pipevine may not be entirely hearty in full sun, so make sure to pick a place with a little shade, especially in the withering heat of the afternoon.

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